E3 Cancelled – The Path Forward Is Through Direct Presentations

Well, it was bound to happen. With the fears of the coronavirus spreading en masse, it was a matter of time before major events were either postponed or cancelled. E3 unfortunately, just happened to be the latest victim. Look, cancelling major events should never be viewed in a positive lens. They are financially damaging to…

Lost Legacies: Chrono Cross

Chrono Trigger is fondly remembered as a classic. If you ever have trouble finding a port of the game, let me know because it can now be found on Steam and can also be found on the Google Play as well as the Apple App store. While the Chrono series was never given its proper…

Competition Drives Innovation – The Console Wars

Industries do not thrive if competition is non-existent. If monopolies were more prevalent, then that industry would stay stagnant and it would be disastrous for growth as a whole. As it relates to the video game industry, the console wars are actually beneficial. The optics are never good, especially considering how passionate a fanbase can…