Lost Legacies: Chrono Cross

Chrono Trigger is fondly remembered as a classic. If you ever have trouble finding a port of the game, let me know because it can now be found on Steam and can also be found on the Google Play as well as the Apple App store. While the Chrono series was never given its proper…

Lost Legacy: Red Faction Series

Whether it’s destroying fences, knocking down trees, or leveling entire structures, environmental destruction helps create a deeper level of immersion for gamers.  The Battlefield series immediately comes to mind when we think of environmental destruction.  Level entire buildings to get to the enemy, create cover by terraforming the ground, it’s one of the few games…

Lost Legacies: Chono Cross

  Chrono Trigger is fondly remembered as a classic.  If you ever have trouble finding a port of the game, let me know because it can now be found on Steam and can also be found on the Google Play as well as the Apple App store.  While the Chrono series was never given its…