Fortnite is a Stupid Fun Time

Admittedly, I play a lot of Fortnite.

Which is surprising, because this genre of game generally doesn’t interest me.  But you can’t beat free and the fact that Epic Games is its developer generally indicates at least competent gameplay.  It does have its critics who will say that there isn’t any tension similar to PUBG.  But I can say with confidence that there is no truth to that statement as having won a few solo matches can be nerve wracking.

A 1V1 after 100 players work to eliminate one another makes getting the win that much more satisfying.  Its especially tense when both players are building their forts only to get them ripped apart by explosives or bullets.  Fortnite in a way reminds me of Battlefield, they are filled with great and fun moments that occur purely based off player actions.  While I enjoy playing solo, its a game best played with friends.  The clips below were some of my recent experiences with the game.

I understand I sound like an idiot in those clips, but I can’t help it because of just how fun this game is.  Getting a leg up on teams is incredibly satisfying and as you can see in the “Disco Clip”, the sheer variety of crazy gadgets in this game, such as the Boogie Bomb, is something that you can’t find anywhere else.  This might just be Epic’s best IP because of the sheer amount of entertainment that can be found.  Go on YouTube or Twitch and you’ll find dedicated channels covering nothing but Fortnite.  It really has taken the internet by storm and I don’t blame them.  It’s Minecraft with guns and is a damn good time.

See below for an example of a well built structure, painstakingly made by other players.  Also, see a man in a dinosaur suit do a backflip.

I sincerely apologize to that team for wrecking what looked to be a good time.

But damn, I love jump pads.




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